3 December 2019- Annual Conference on Disability marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. The event was organized in co operation with the OGG/PM Office of Kosovo, at the premises of government building. Present in this conference, among others, were Ms. Hillen FRANCKE — EU Office in Kosovo / Deputy Head of Cooperation, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Hilmi Jashari/ Ombudsman and representatives of DPOs partnering in the project. During the conference the main points discussed and agreed were; strengthening cooperation between DPOs and Public Institutions and other government institutions. Other issues of importance arised were also the establishment of the mechanisms such as the National Council on Disability which will enhance the agenda and monitor the implementation of standards; enforcing the Law on Inclusiveness; enhancing the Strategy and National Plan agenda; Implementation of actual laws and compliance with international standards, to name a few.
The conference was attended by 100 participants, representing HandiKOS national and local level, Kosovo Association of the Blind from national and local level, Kosovo Association of the Deaf from national and local level, Kosovo Disability Forum, EU Office, the Prime Minster, Office of the Good Governance-PM, Ombudsperson, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Kosovo and also representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, representatives of the Centre or Social Care, Down Syndrome Kosovo and the Project Staff.
3 December 2020- Annual Conference on Disability for marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. The purpose of marking this day was to discuss and define priorities in protecting and ensuring the rights of Persons with Disabilities, as an equal part of society in the Republic of Kosovo.
The opening of the Conference and the introductory speech was made by Mr. Habit Hajredini from the Office for Good Governance/Office of the Prime Minister followed by other keynote speakers supporting this cause such as, Vice- prime minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Driton Selmanaj and Mr. Naim Celaj, Ombusperson.
This activity was organized by the Office for Good Governance — Office of the Prime Minister, in cooperation with the “Inclusive Kosovo” project, supported by the EU and implemented by HANDIKOS, Kosovo Association of the Deaf, Kosovo Association of the Blind, Kosovo Disability Forum, Threshold and Disability Partnership Finland.
3 December 2021- Annual Conference on Disability for marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. Let the message of today be a Kosovo with equal opportunities for all, a Kosovo that should enable and ensure full participation and visibility of persons with disabilities in all aspects of social and public life, and a Kosovo that would have to provide the appropriate legal and institutional infrastructure for a functional system. This is part of the message that the director of HANDIKOS, Mr. Afrim Maliqi emphasised during today’s conference of the Designation of the year 2022 — Year of Persons with Disabilities in Kosovo.
Mr. Habit Hajredini, the director of the Office for Good Governance chaired the Conference and highlighted the achievements during the year 2021. Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mrs. Emilija Rexhepi emphasized the commitment of the Government to support persons with disabilities and the decision of the government of Kosovo to designate year 2022 the Year of persons with disabilities, the act. Acting Head of the EU office in Kosovo, Mrs. Annacarin Platon highlighted the importance of advancing the position and respecting the human rights of persons with disabilities and the commitment of the EU to support DPO’s and the government in this process.
This activity was organized by the Office for Good Governance — Office of the Prime Minister, in cooperation with the “Inclusive Kosovo” project, supported by the EU and implemented by HANDIKOS, Kosovo Association of the Deaf, Kosovo Association of the Blind, Kosovo Disability Forum, Threshold and Disability Partnership Finland.
3 December 2022- Annual Conference on Disability for marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. In co-operation with the OGG / PM Office, the conference was organized in the premises of the Government of Kosovo (Government Building) with the participation of the representatives of the ministries, government and non-governmental organizations and representatives of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities.
Mr. Habit Hajredini, the director of the Office for Good Governance chaired the Conference and highlighted the achievements during the year 2022 focusing on the main accomplishments from the “Calendar of activities for year 2022”. The representatives of each ministry individually presented the activities that they had implemented while the representatives of the Organizations of Persons with Disabilities gave their opinions and requested to further strengthen the cooperation of all stakeholders in advancing the position of persons with disabilities in the society and respecting of their rights.
This activity was organized by the Office for Good Governance — Office of the Prime Minister, in cooperation with the “Inclusive Kosovo” project, supported by the EU and implemented by HANDIKOS, Kosovo Association of the Deaf, Kosovo Association of the Blind, Kosovo Disability Forum, Threshold and Disability Partnership Finland.