Planning process
In order to prepare this strategic plan for 2018–2022,Handikos has spent quality time in setting strategic,institutional vision through pre-planning activities. The planning process included discussions with staff members, external experts, members of local o rg a n i za t i o n s o f H A N D I KO S w i t h w h i c h t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n s i g n e d a M e m o r a n d u m o f Understanding. These discussions then expanded with other factors, which are the constituents of the organization, as well as officials of public institutions at the national level. The strategic planning process was intended to be done in participatory approach. Hence,Handikos has enabled factors outside the organization to different levels to give their ideas and contribute directly to the organization.Parents and Persons with Disabilities have provided their ideas for the strategic plan by feeding with information’s the contextual internal and external analyses and giving comments on the draft strategy.
While HANDIKOS advocates for providing and provides services that are beyond the scope of the organization’s obligations, which currently are not provided from governmental institutions because they have not yet clarified financing formula, the organization’s leadership thinks it is not advocating enough for fulfilment of the rights of people with disabilities, especially at the local level. The advocacy focus has been usually based on projects rather than being continuous and focused on approving and implementing the legal framework in general. This may be due to the fact that HANDIKOS has a lack of sustainable (permanent) human capacities that will regulate a rights-based approach and base its programs on evidence and rights. In addition, the organization lacks the visibility of its services and of the work it does.
While HANDIKOS advocates for providing and provides services that are beyond the scope of the organization’s obligations, which currently are not provided from governmental institutions because they have not yet clarified financing formula, the organization’s leadership thinks it is not advocating enough for fulfilment of the rights of people with disabilities, especially at the local level. The advocacy focus has been usually based on projects rather than being continuous and focused on approving and implementing the legal framework in general. This may be due to the fact that HANDIKOS has a lack of sustainable (permanent) human capacities that will regulate a rights-based approach and base its programs on evidence and rights. In addition, the organization lacks the visibility of its services and of the work it does.
HANDIKOS faces the lack of regular funds that would secure the sustainability of the organization, which is the result of the lack of regulation for the support of civil society organizations by the state. Thus, it is funded based on grants and subsidies, which are adhoc and based on the projects. The organization also faces lack of internal fundraising capacities. At the s a m e t i m e , H A N D I K O S f a c e s t h e l a c k o f implementation of the legal framework in the country as well as the lack of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities as the result of deficient capacities of state institutions to implement and respect the rights of Persons with Disabilities.
In order to achieve its goals, HANDIKOS cooperates closely with People with Disabilities as the holders of the rights for the respect and fulfilment of which the organization works. At the same time, HANDIKOS also works with government institutions, which must fulfil these rights.
To read more about the strategy click HERE