
There are many vari­a­tions of pas­sages of Lorem Ipsum avail­able, but the major­i­ty have suf­fered alter­ation in some form, by inject­ed humour, or ran­domised words which don’t look even slight­ly believ­able. If you are going to use a pas­sage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t any­thing embar­rass­ing hid­den in the mid­dle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum gen­er­a­tors on the Inter­net tend to repeat pre­de­fined chunks as nec­es­sary, mak­ing this the first true gen­er­a­tor on the Inter­net. It uses a dic­tio­nary of over 200 Latin words, com­bined with a hand­ful of mod­el sen­tence struc­tures, to gen­er­ate Lorem Ipsum which looks rea­son­able. The gen­er­at­ed Lorem Ipsum is there­fore always free from rep­e­ti­tion, inject­ed humour, or non-char­ac­ter­is­tic words etc.