Project Name:

Com­mu­ni­ty Based Reha­bil­i­ta­tion (CBR) ser­vices for chil­dren and young peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties are empow­ered and sustainable


-Improv­ing chil­dren’s lives through appro­pri­ate assis­tive devices

- Pre­ven­tion of defor­mi­ties result­ing from disability

- Sup­port­ing chil­dren for an inde­pen­dent life, through ade­quate adapt­ed devices

-Achiev­ing 345 ser­vices with aux­il­iary devices until the end of the project

Finan­cial Support:

This project is finan­cial­ly sup­port­ed by the Euro­pean Union in Koso­vo, in part­ner­ship with UNICEF.

Project dura­tion: From Decem­ber 15, 2022 – Decem­ber 15, 2023


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