Inclusive tertiary EDucation in the West Balkans — IDEA

Project name Inclu­sive ter­tiary EDu­ca­tion in the West Balka­nS Dura­tion 15 Jan­u­ary 2021- 31 Decem­ber 2023 Loca­tion Pristi­na Aims of the IDEA Project’s over­all aim is to improve access, estab­lish inclu­sive edu­ca­tion learn­ing con­di­tions and devel­opem­ploy­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for SwD and stu­dents with learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ties in the West­ern Balka­ns through build­ing capac­i­ties of the Stu­dent Ser­vice Units, fac­ul­ty, admin­is­tra­tion, stu­dents and gov­ern­ing bodies […]

HANDIKOS is hiring a Project Administrative assistant

Asso­ci­a­tion of Para­plegics and Par­a­lyzed Chil­dren of Koso­vo – HANDIKOS announce­ment a posi­tion for Project Admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant, with­in the project ”Pro­mot­ing inclu­sive­ness and out­reach of the con­sul­ta­tive process­es for gov­er­nance and pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion reforms in the dis­abil­i­ty sec­tor at Local, Nation­al and Region­al Lev­el”, which is sup­port­ed by EU. The bid­ders are wel­come to sub­mit their appli­ca­tion elec­tron­i­cal­ly to or physically […]


In regard to the Invi­ta­tion for the sub­mis­sion of offers for the pro­vi­sion of ser­vices for the design, devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of the dis­sem­i­na­tion mate­r­i­al and cam­paign for the needs of the EU fund­ed project “Pro­mot­ing inclu­sive­ness and out­reach of the con­sul­ta­tive process for gov­er­nance and pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion reforms in the dis­abil­i­ty sec­tor at Local, Nation­al and Region­al Lev­el”, hereafter […]

Call for offers

HANDIKOS announces invi­ta­tion for the sub­mis­sion of offers to award the pro­vi­sion of ser­vices for the design, devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of the dis­sem­i­na­tion mate­r­i­al and cam­paign, involv­ing a sub­con­trac­tor who will assume the above tasks in the con­text of the project “Pro­mot­ing inclu­sive­ness and out­reach of the con­sul­ta­tive process for gov­er­nance and pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion reforms in the dis­abil­i­ty sec­tor at Local, […]