0 %
Raised $0
Campaign Duration Campaign has ended
Goal $120,000

This micro project will pro­vide edu­ca­tion to 10 bril­liant remote rur­al under priv­i­leged girl children.

Recent­ly Beth Mun­by, PA to CEO Tony Hawk­head, vis­it­ed New Hall Women’s Prison. The prison pro­vides a moth­ers and babies unit for moth­ers who are serv­ing a cus­to­di­al sen­tence to stay with their pro­vides a children.

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These include Dundee Fam­i­lies , which has influ­enced fam­i­ly sup­port ser­vices across the UK. When a flood takes your home, your food and every­thing you own, and you fear that your chil­dren might drown on their way to school, life as
you know it’s shattered.ActionAid works with women and chil­dren hit the hard­est by cli­mate. We pio­neered the Roots of Empa­thy pro­gramme She described how she entered New Hall Prison feel­ing scared and guilt.

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Our work cov­ers a wide range of pol­i­cy and leg­isla­tive areas including:

  • Child pro­tec­tion
  • Children’s rights and citizenship
  • Youth employ­ment
  • Child pover­ty
  • Youth jus­tice
  • Dis­abil­i­ty

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Nick Hamil­ton, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at InCon­nec­tion, says:

We are delight­ed to con­firm Rain­bow Trust as our cho­sen char­i­ty at this year’s Lon­don Com­e­dy Lunch, pro­vid­ing sup­port to a fan­tas­tic char­i­ty in what promises.
to be an after­noon of belly
bust­ing laughter.

The Lon­don Com­e­dy Lunch is now in its 5th suc­cess­ful year and this year Al Mur­ray is head­lin­ing. Al, best known for his British Award Win­ning ITV1 series Al Murray’s Hap­py Hour.