Shpallje për vend të lirë pune — Konsulent
- Published:18/05/2015
- By Kaltërina Misini
- Category: Shpallje
About the project “Enhancing employment of disadvantaged people in Kosovo”:
People in Need, with the support of European Commission, and in partnership with two local Civil Society Organizations will implement a 24 – month project with theoverall goal of contributing to the transition of the most disadvantaged groups in the labour market from social assistance and economic dependence, to employment and self-employment opportunities.To that end, the project seeks to: 1) Support sustainable employment and social inclusion of 175 people with disabilities (PWD) through development and pilot implementation of innovative labour market measures and 2)Increase the cooperation of government actors, NGOs and businesses in 3 regions of Kosovo.At the end of the project, we expect to achieve the following results: a) Pilot Supported Employment (SE) service is established and assisting the PWDs in achieving their employment goals; b) Opportunities for self-employment of PWDs are created though support of 15 sustainable micro-enterprises; c) Vocational education system is adjusted to the needs of PWDs in co-operation of Vocational Training Centers, Resource Centres, NGOs and employers; and d) PWD and their families, government institutions, employers and general public are more aware of abilities of disabled people to work.
Tasks to be carried out by the Consultant:
1. Development of the full baseline study methodology;
2. Data collection onnumber of companies currently employing PWDs , type of professions and positions that PWDs occupy , barriers that prevent employers from employing more PWDs, Government support of employment of PWDs (to employers and employees) and the state of its implementation;
3. In-depth interviews with key stakeholders, relevant state institutions, NGOs, employers and public servants;
4. Map current options and gaps within regional Vocational Training CentresAssessment of the vocational courses program provided and 3 Resource Centres, in Ferizaj/Uruśevac, Prishtina/Priśtina, Peja/PeĠand Prizren, with focus on PWDs.
5. Draft baseline report
6. Final baseline report based on study findings, stipulating clear parameters for measuring results (at output and outcome level),
Timeframe of the assignment and budget
The baseline study is expected to be conducted and finalized by 30th of June 2015. Budget offered for the assignment is maximum 3.000 Euros
Applicants should email their CV and proposed initial methodology, including: budget and timeline for delivery of outputs, to the following email address: The deadline for submitting the application is 24th of May 2015.
Candidates will be evaluated by PIN based on the following selection criteria:
Experience and expertise of the consultant in the project’s thematic area;
Proposed methodology;
Financial proposal;